a spoonful of random...

Red and purple and orange and blue and green and gray... *barf*

written at 7:07 p.m. on 11.14.05

I'm in my "Intro to the Internet" class right now, trying not to stab myself in the eye with a spork. The only thing keeping me from doing so is the fact that I don't have a spork on me.

"Now, if you come across a site with a layout that you really like, you now know that you can just do a 'view source' and copy/paste the code into your own page."

Boy: How'd you get AIM on your computer?
Girl who thinks she knows what she is doing: Go to aol.com and click download.. and then blah blah blah
Me screaming in my head: aimexpress.aim.com

This is not a good color scheme, Mr. Teacher.

(Sorry that it's a .bmp file and that it loads so slowly.)

Four hours once a week. Sheer torture the whole time. I can handle that, right?


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