a spoonful of random...

New design, new commitment, and a freaking gnome.

written at 1:35 p.m. on 11.13.05

This is a temporary new look for TiggerSnail. I like the header image, but I'm not too crazy about the color scheme in general. We'll see.

You guessed it, I'm back! I brought a few updates from LiveJournal with me, since I've been neglecting Diaryland for LJ these days. I even paid for a premium account there. *gasp* I love how even one comment can turn into this massive thread.. I love getting emails when I get comments.. I love the friends page.. I love the friends-only entries.. and I hate the standard templates, which is why I paid $20 to allow for the freedom of customizing it.

Anyway, who cares about my blog-whore ways? Not I, said the little red hen.

Work is grand, though there are a few people who are unnecessarily haughty at times. Oh well.

My aunt's cake design came to a screeching halt after a few days of progress because I'm a lazy bum. I also completely neglected all my customs, but managed to whip up this piece of crap revamp in thirty minutes last night.


Speaking of priorities, I keep putting off my school work for things like.. Maple Story and AIM and other notorious distractions.

I don't want to fail again.

I still cannot think of things to put on my 101 things in 1001 days list. I'll have to bring it to class one day. I'm good at doing things at the wrong time. I do my homework when I'm supposed to be in class, I do my web design work when I'm supposed to be sleeping, yada yada.

Shorter updates from here on out, probably. I'm going to try to do ramble less, say more, and update on a daily basis. We'll see how that goes.

For now, peace out, homies.

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