a spoonful of random...

Fake smiles, fake thankfulness, and real good food.

written at 4:01 p.m. on 11.24.05

Why is this news? Furthermore, when did the vote for this take place? Not only did I miss the vote for commercial banner ads on Diaryland, but I also missed the vote for the world's ugliest dog???

Oy. Somebody is forwarding my memos to the wrong email address. That somebody is going to get shot.

I went to bed early last night (11pm), completely forgetting to update my diaries before I slipped off into dreamland. My apologies.

I did discover a few days ago that Yahoo! now has a blog feature on their "Yahoo 360" page. I, of course, had to start one up. It's alright. I would say that the closest thing to it is MySpace, but the Yahoo version is so much simpler and cleaner and much less of a popularity contest.

Well, thirty minutes of freedom until I get to be grilled by my relatives as to why I don't yet have a boyfriend and why I want to move to Texas and blah blah blah blah. Poke fun at someone else; let me eat my food in peace.

Happy fake-thankfulness day. Haha. Dang, I'm grouchy when I'm cold. (Think I'm kidding about the cold? Click here for a snapshot of the weather at this exact moment.

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