a spoonful of random...

returning with a repentent spirit and many lessons learned

written at 12:49 a.m. on 11.23.04

Wow. I feel horrible. Diaryland, I have not abandoned you, I promise!! You are indeed my pride and joy!

So. Life...

I definitely have crappy grades, still. I still have lots of great friends. I have plenty of great memories, and I've had a lot of fun. However, I'm not paying thousands of dollars a year just to have fun. I'm learning to prioritize my life, to be responsible, to manage my time.. all that great adult stuff. I guess I feel like one of few people who are learning those lessons the hard way, but it's all gravy. I'm definitely not wanting to turn into one of those people who just moans on an on about each and every decision made, regretting the past and fearing the future.

I'll admit that I had an affair on Diaryland. I updated here (my Xanga) during my leave of absence here. I repent of my sins! I'm so ashamed.. ::Sobs::

Ok, well.. I'm off to see the wizard. I have homework to do, and hopefully he has answers! Later, y'all!

:: before :: after