a spoonful of random...

Backstabbers Anonymous... oh wait, you're no longer anonymous!

written at 9:45 p.m. on 01.25.06

I'm a little less than three months away from my 4-year anniversary at this blog. How it is that I've been here for four years and only have 450ish entries boggles my mind. Maybe it's time I broke down and got a SuperGold membership so that I could protect some entries... (that being the main reason I update at LiveJournal).


Just stumbled across the blog of someone I know.. who said some not-so-nice things about me. That was.. awkward. Rather angrifying, too. Shut up. I'm so mad, I can't even think of the proper words anymore. Wow... I'm at that rare stage of anger... my stomach is twisting in little knots... I can't even carry on conversations with my friends on AIM.

Screw it, this entry isn't going anywhere anytime soon. People are idiots. Again with the reminder about the wonders of protected entries...


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