a spoonful of random...

The Precious will be ours once the hobbitses are dead!

written at 9:54 a.m. on 11.07.05

So, yesterday, as I was watching the second disc of Return of the King for the third time in a seven-hour period, I came to a disturbing realization. I'm becoming a lot like Gollum. Maybe I'm seeing less and less of the sun and saying things like "womenses" and "moneyses" because I subconsciously know that I'll end up meeting Frodo that way. This is highly upsetting, of course, because I plan on meeting, wooing, and marrying Frodo, not stalking him in the night with glowy eyes and biting off his finger and catching one last glimpse of him as I fall to my painful death.

Maybe I'll go play with my... Prrrrrecioussss for a while. That'll make us feel better, won't it, my love?

:: before :: after