a spoonful of random...

I have nothing to do tomorrow. HALLELUJAH.

written at 10:58 p.m. on 11.10.05

Close eyes for a few hours: wake up to 30-degree weather. Game for a few hours: come back to 24 new emails.

Now let's see what happens when I watch TV for a few hours...

I love the episode of Seinfeld where Jerry answers the phone and tells the telemarketer, "I'm sorry, I'm busy right now. If I can get you home phone number, I'll call you back later."

The telemarketer responds with something like, "Umm, I'm sorry sir, we're not allowed to do that..."

"Oh, why, you don't want people calling you at home? Now you know how I feel."


So sleepy. Skip the few hours of TV. We'll try that few hours of sleep with the 30-degree weather thing again. Zzz.

:: before :: after