a spoonful of random...

evidence that chocolate is directly related to my happiness (or lack thereof)

written at 7:54 p.m. on 01.13.05

I'm sitting in Boy's room right now, all alone, waiting for Boy and Cam to return so we can have our pizza party for the week. They're in devos right now, so I.. have just been lounging around, mostly being bored and cranky.

I have this theory that I'm forming that states that if I don't get chocolate, I get really, ridiculously cranky. Poo on that. I'll never get defluffed now. :( Sad day.

Daniel walked in only to hear my diss Xanga and to damn Texas in one breath. I pretty much condemned Texas to burn in hell. Then again, as Daniel once said, "God made hell. He had a little left over, so he made Texas." Yeah, that's right, I'm pissy, and TEXAS SUCKS!

Now that that has been established, let's move on to other more interesting topics. I think.. that I have no more interesting topics at the moment. All I can think about are things to complain about or things related to school, though many from the latter category fall into the complain category, too.

Hmph. Well, it's time for some entertainment. I think I'm gonna go jump off of a bridge or something.. See if there are any lemmings around to follow. Lata.

:: before :: after