a spoonful of random...

marketing is going to be the death of me

written at 11:41 p.m. on 01.12.05

Though Tuesdays and Thursdays are my heaviest days of the week, I did discover one evil of Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays--marketing class. Snore! This morning I about killed myself. The class has a dress code (no flip flops?!), a strict attendance policy, a lot of homework, and a very "old-fashioned" teacher (his words).

I am exhausted just thinking about it. Calculus was actually fun. I guess that shouldn't surprise me, though. I have always loved math, math teachers, and math classes. I just heard a lot of different things about this teacher and this class. First day was great, though, so hopefully the bad rumors are wrong and he stays like this forever!

Anyway, blah with classes. I ran some errands tonight with my Clubbers (Boy, Pimp, Camshaft, and eventually Jody and Ben), and we decided that Friday nights from here on out will be pizza night. Do you have any idea how happy that makes me? Unfortunately, I'll be out of town this weekend with Cam for his little sister's 12th birthday party, so we might just have to move pizza night to Thursday for the first week. Oh darn!

La la loo. Well, I need to do some homework or somethin now. Hopefully a less day-blog-ish entry will pop up in the near future. We'll see. Anywho, ciao!

:: before :: after