a spoonful of random...

i spend my nights at walmart. how sad.

written at 6:14 p.m. on 09.11.04

So, I just finished a bowl of fruit loops from my newly purchased bowl with my newly purchased spoon. I'm excited! Plus, I can check what time it is on my new watch! I'd find a link to a picture on the Walmart website, but apparently it's not up-to-date with these new watches. So.. you'll just have to wait until I get a digital camera!!

I got to sleep in until 1:00pm today. It was suhweet! Today, I plan to spend a lot of time in my dorm, just getting away from people and spending a wee bit of time catching up on homework, laundry, and organizing my rearranged room. I lofted my bed yesterday so I could put my desk and dresser underneath of it. The desk and dresser are the same height, so it's kinda like having an extended desk. I love it. I also was able to put up my ropelights and my ribboned message board full of pictures.

Well.. there is a lot of emotional crap building up inside of me, so.. I think it's time for an update to the lady---arwen diary. Definitely need some therapeutic writing time.

If y'all could keep my family and my church in your prayers, I'd be very appreciative. Thanks!! I love you guys!

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