a spoonful of random...

vanity and a schizophrenic stomach

written at 8:46 a.m. on 02.07.04
So, I had this brilliant idea yesterday. I get a lot of comments about the voicemail message I have on my cell phone. My friends Allison and Josh made it for me one day, using a guitar, a harmonica, and their wicked vocal skills. It sounds hilarious, and I love it, but it makes people think that Josh and/or Allison are answering my phone.

The brilliant idea? Well, since it's obvious that at some point I'll need to change said message, I thought it would be fun to have a different message every day. It could be like my own mini radio-talk-show-funky-stuff-one-minute-blip. I could say something like, "Hey, guys! It's Tuesday, and I, Rachel, am not available right now, but let me entertain you before you leave me a message..." Then, I could either do something nerdy like introduce them to a word-of-the-day, or I could put my cellphone up to the speakers of my CD player and play them a little tune. People from all over the world will hear about how entertaining this is, and I will have millions of fans calling my cellphone just to hear my wonderful voice.

I should title this diary "The dreams and aspirations of an unrealistic Narcissist."

I haven't had breakfast yet, and my stomach is yelling at me. "You won't feed us breakfast on weekdays, so you at least have to feed us breakfast today! You have nothing else to do, so stop being a jerk!" Apparently, my stomach is hungry.. and schizophrenic.

So, in a desperate attempt to stop the voices in my head, I am going to feed my little schizo stomach, and maybe I'll be back for another update later. It's fun updating now, cuz my dad got our DSL upgraded to T1 speed this morning. Hip hip hooray!

Oh, and I'm working on a Valentine's day template. If anyone has any other ideas for themes of templates, let me know!

The end.

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