a spoonful of random...

version nine has commenced.. it needs a title though. any suggestions?

written at 4:57 p.m. on 12.04.03
So, I guess you might have noticed that I changed the design. I really liked the other one, but my reviewer was right.. the HTML sucked, cuz I did it in like 10 minutes. It looks fine in my browser, which is all I really care about anyway, but the links were really causing me problems from the start. Oh well. Someday I'll have time to learn HTML properly. Eh.

Anyway, I have a bunch of crap to be doing. I'm not looking forward to going to school tomorrow. I have so much freakin work for English, it's not even close to being funny. Seriously, I've thought about trying to get myself sick on purpose. If slitting my wrists wasn't so painful and bloody.. well... Yeah, just kidding. Don't worry about me. I'm looking forward to taking my senior year twice.

Ok, so what the crap am I doing still talking? I dunno. I need to go change all my designs for the older page and the guestbook, and then I'm off the internet for a while. I get too distracted. Well, the end.

:: before :: after