a spoonful of random...

day one - over the river and through the woods

written at 9:41 p.m. on 06.27.03
Ok, while I was on vacation, I started to write a little diaryland-on-the-go journal. It only lasted for the first day, but I'll type it up anywho, cuz it saves me the trouble of having to write about the first day. I left last Saturday, by the by, to go to Tennessee for a family reunion with all the relatives on my mom's side of the family. Oh, and my email hasn't been working at all, and I just started it up for the first time in a long time, and Chris and Cadence, I'm working on emailing y'all back, but I still can't "compose" or "reply" or even "forward," so I'll have to use another email address, and I just don't feel like doing that right now. Bwa ha ha. The only one who benefits from my "do something only if you're in the mood" policy is me, but hey, I'm the most important one around here, aren't I? Hmm, yes, I am just kidding. I'm not kidding about my policy...I only do things like homework and socializing when I feel like it. Otherwise, I spend all day playing piano, reading, playing GBA, watching TV, and most importantly.. sleeping. Anywho, back to my adventures from "day one." "Day one," or Saturday, was spent entirely in the car, except for the two hours that we spent waiting at the Nashville airport, where my family picked up my aunt, Julie, and her two kids, and squished them in to our van for the two hour ride from Nashville to my grandma's house. Anywho, this is what I wrote on the road:

**Day One**
Over the River and Through the Woods

Well, I'm on my way to Tennessee, where my family and I are going for the biannual family reunion. Right now, it is ten o'clock in the morning, and we just crossed the state border to Indiana. I miss Illinois already. Actually, I just hate Indiana. There isn't anything outside of Indianapolis except for corn, corn, and more corn. Those commercials for "Indiana: Crossroads of America" were NOT filmed in Indiana, I can assure you of that. There hasn't been anything interesting this whole trip, really. Oh, I did see a sign that said "515 New Slots!", but a tree was covering part of the billboard for a second, so it looked like it said "515 New Sluts!" the first time that I read it. That made me chuckle a little. Ha, or this sign that we just passed that was advertising "Indiana Beach." Yeah, what beach? It's probably a big puddle in the middle of a cornfield. Or maybe it is just a pothole that filled up with water. Ha, in that case, Westminster could claim a new ocean in its parking lot. (Westminster is my school, and the parking lot is notorious for its humongous potholes. Many jokes are made about how people and their cars can get lost for days in the potholes. In all seriousness, there really are a lot of potholes, all of them very large.) Wow, I'm appalled at the lack of things to do in Indiana. They seem to enjoy road construction, cuz there is always plenty of it going on. The past five billboards have been for antique shops...meaning both "stores that SELL antiques" and "stores that ARE antique." Corn to my left. Corn to my right. This definitely is a good time to go to sleep. No worries about missing anything exciting. Bwa ha ha. Wow, more road construction and more corn. Oh, and an Aldi's billboard that says, "Please don't hug the cashiers." Yeah, I wasn't planning on it. I'm gonna go sleep or something now. Oh look! A hill!! Yeah, I'll be back.

...slept a lot...

Ok, I'm back. It is now 2:25 pm, and we finally left Indiana. We crossed the Ohio River and are now in Kentucky. I wish I could put a picture of my handwriting up on this page cuz it's very bumpy on this road and my handwriting looks like... well, it isn't neat or pretty, and some of you will have to take my word for this, but my handwriting is usually pretty decent. For those of you who know Jonathan, my current handwriting rivals his for "sloppiest ever." So, the big difference between Kentucky and Indiana is that Kentucky is mostly trees. Basically, its just a variation of the monotonous green of the previous state. Same billboards for antique stores,...


:: before :: after