a spoonful of random...

Will Write More Later

written at 10:11 p.m. on 06.26.03
I'm back! How exciting! I just got off my butt for the first time in thirteen hours! Whoo-hoo! And now I'm sitting again to tell you that I'll be adding my interesting stories some other time. Right now, I'm tired. There are two voice messages and one text message on my phone, 15 messages on our answering machine, and about 300 envelopes on the kitchen table for me from colleges. I need to sleep before tackling anything. Sooo... maybe y'all could conjur up some wonderful "welcome back" messages in my guestbook as my motivation to write despite my unending exhaustion. The only nice thing is that nobody told me when to next work after vacation, SO, I'm just not gonna go in until they call me and tell me. Bwa ha ha. No, I'll probably call them on Saturday or something. Maybe Monday. Well, here I am babbling when i should be sleeping so that I can wake up and finish babbling. Can you stand the suspense?!?!

..to be continued at a later date.. like tomorrow...

:: before :: after