a spoonful of random...

quiz yoinked from golfwidow

written at 12:19 p.m. on 10.23.05

Yoinked from Golfwidow. Bwa ha.

  1. Name someone with the same birthday as you:
    Cyndy, this woman in my Novels American class, has a son with the exact same birthday as me. The weird thing is that her house is just down the street. What are the odds? Next, I'll find out that her son is in love with Elijah Wood's little sister, and the two of us (Chad and I) can spend buttloads of money to track down our true loves.
  2. Where was your first kiss?
    Ahahaha.. funny story. I went over to Geoff's* house under the impression that we would be watching a movie with Ned*, but apparently Ned wasn't scheduled to arrive for another hour (tricksy Geoff). We wound up kissing, but he decided he didn't want to date me that close to college (this was in March of my senior year of high school). At times, I get angry for him taking my first kiss like that (especially cuz he forced my mouth open with his tongue.. gross), but then I feel proud for not having let anyone steal one since then.
  3. Have you ever seriously vandalized someone else's property?
    With the exception of possibly causing some water damage to the carpet of my high school as a part of our senior prank, I don't think I've done any damage to any property.
  4. Have you ever hit someone of the opposite sex?
    I have a tendency to be someone violent when I become friends with people. Since I'm a touchophobic, I view violent punches and slaps as a safe way to ease into a comfortable place physically with friends. So, yes.. any guy who calls himself my friend has been physically abused by me.
  5. Have you ever sung in front of a large number of people?
    Numerous times. I've never sung by myself before, but there have been numerous times when I was the only person singing my part. Good times, good times. Go music!
  6. What's the first thing you notice about the preferred sex?
    Eyes. That goes for everyone, though. I quite literally have a hard time making friends with people who have ugly eyes.
  7. What really turns you on?
    Wittiness, intelligence, humor, gorgeous eyes, and sexy cologne. Mmmm.
  8. What do you order at Starbucks?
    I'm so lame. I always order just a Cafe Mocha. On occasion, someone will convince me to order something different, but I'm a wuss when it comes to trying to decode the Starbucks menu. How the heck am I supposed to know what it is when I can't even pronounce it?!
  9. What is your biggest mistake?
    Last year in general was a pretty good year for making bad decisions. When people ask me if I regret anything I've done in life, I actually can only ever think of one thing.. the way I treated Kyle. I was just an idiot about how I handled everything...
  10. Have you ever hurt yourself on purpose?
    I once was talking to someone online about how I had subconsciously picked up a pair of scissors from my desk and was twirling them around. I don't remember why I did it, but I actually used the scissors to cut my arm until I bled. It was something about proving him wrong, I think.
  11. Say something totally random about yourself.
    All the attention to my boobs in the past year has made me look at my body in a different way. Maybe 34Cs aren't too shabby after all.
  12. Has anyone ever said you looked like a celebrity?
    I have some visually impaired friends, I believe, because I've been compared to a brunette version of Julia Stiles and Kirsten Dunst. And at one point, someone told me I looked like Avril Lavigne. These are all ridiculous comparisons, trust me.
  13. Do you still watch kiddy movies or TV shows?
    Pfft. Of course.
  14. Did you have braces?
    Yup. Wanted them soooo bad because I thought they looked soooo cool. Then I got them, and realized that my teeth still looked yellow and gross, even with braces on. (I did eventually get them whitened)
  15. Are you comfortable with your height?
    I'm a little under an inch shorter than Elijah Wood, so yes, I'm quite content with my height of 5'5.5"
  16. What is the most romantic thing someone of the opposite sex has done for you?
    Umm.. umm.. I've had several guys buy my chocolate, but that doesn't really count. I did really enjoy when Jason and Haynes used to stand under my window and chuck acorns at me. It was also fun to sit under their window and have them serenade me and quote Shakespeare to me. But.. that wasn't intended to be romantic. It just could've been.
  17. When do you know it's love?
    I'll let ya know in detail when I can speak from experience.
  18. Do you speak any other languages?
    Oui oui! I took three years of Spanish (3rd-5th grade), three years of Latin (6th-8th grade), and two years of French (9th-10th grade). I barely remember any sentences in Spanish or Latin, but I can pull a wee bit of French out when I need it.
  19. Have you ever been to a tanning salon?
    To the disgust of my poor friends, no. I'm the palest person I've met, and I do have three albino cousins. Even after a year in Texas, I'm still the winner of the Snow White Pastiness award. That Jergen's stuff works really well, though, if you care to moisturize your entire body every day. (I personally don't have time anymore to stand around naked while it sets in.)
  20. What magazines do you read?
    I subscribed to Seventeen magazine for three years, but I forgot to renew my subscription. It went from being this ridiculously petty magazine to being something of actual substance, so I kinda miss reading it.
  21. Have you ever ridden in a limo?
  22. Has anyone you were really close to passed away?
    Mmm.. not that I can recall. That always worries me. I'm afraid that everyone I love is gonna die all at once.
  23. Do you watch MTV?
    Not regularly. I only have an antenna on the TV in my room, so I pretty much watch Fox and LOTR 24/7. If I wasn't so lazy, I'd go downstairs and watch cable, but that requires movement away from my computer.
  24. What's something that really annoys you?
    I have a list of pet peeves a mile long. Stupidity is my number one pet peeve, though. If you can't keep up with me, you aren't worth my time. I only say it that harshly because I'm a wee bit grumpy right now.
  25. What's something you really like?
    Sitting down with an oversized mug of hot chocolate (topped with tons of whipped cream and maybe some chocolate shavings), curled up under a blanket, munching on chocolate an popcorn while watching Lord of the Rings.
  26. Do you like Michael Jackson?
    Not really. I don't pay him much attention, to be honest.
  27. Can you dance?
    Good question. I went to private schools where dancinc wasn't allowed. I was a decent cheerleader, and I used to love to dance as a grade-schooler. Now, I just kick ass at DDR and hope that I can take real dance lessons someday to test out my stuff.
  28. What's the latest you have ever stayed up?
    Besides all night? Cuz I do that a lot. My regular bedtime is around 2am, though I've been known to go until 3pm of the next day and then crash. Shut up. I have a crazy sleep schedule.
  29. Have you ever been rushed by an ambulance into the emergency room?
  30. Do you actually read these when other people fill them out?
    Yeah, but I usually stop halfway through if the answers aren't well-written. Golfwidow did a good job because she got me to not only read to the very end, but also to yoink the quiz and take it myself.

Alright, on to the real entry. If you've made it this far, eat a cookie. If the cookie belongs to someone else, even better.

Things at work appear to be calming down in the guy department. Those who have been turned down remain on very pleasant levels of friendless, while those that never intended to ask me out still have good fun asking me out anyway, just to see me blush.

Things at school are still falling behind a bit. I have an entire novel due on Tuesday and a midterm and a paper for my Shakespeare class tomorrow. My "Intro to the Internet" class begins tomorrow night at 6pm and does not let out until 9:50pm. Gross? I think so. I sit at a desk that long all the time, but I'm doing things I want to be doing, not being forced to use Internet Explorer to find Google. Rawr.

I had something else to say, but I forgot. Off to play Maple Story because I'm a nerd like that.

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