a spoonful of random...

i found a home! now if i can score a life, i'm set!

written at 2:01 p.m. on 06.16.05

*Gurgles like a baby*

I finally got the new edition of Gimp on my laptop! I'm seriously like an infant holding a new chew toy right now. It's insane.

Also, I found a new home for myself at primpmyblog.org's forum... I feel so at home with all these design geniuses... It makes me want to curl up on my couch and design until my laptop explodes (again). I love finding out their favorite font sites, their design tips, blah blah. I'm so happy. Yesterday, I was feeling very lonely and unwanted, but I feel very welcome and not at all nerdy and like I belong!!

Ok, but seriously folks, there is gonna be a major rant ensuing sometime in the near future regarding boys. Yeah, original. I know. But hey, you're guaranteed a spoonful of random, not a vatful.

Oooh! And I have pictures! I shall post the link and instructions tomorrow. Still a little fragile in the self-esteem department, so heavy precautions must be taken to ensure stability and growth in that department.

Hot dang, I'm hungry. I intended to wake up early than 1pm, but I haven't slept until 3pm for a few days now, so I'm proud. Maybe one day, I'll get on a "normal" sleep schedule and clean my room and be the dream child.

Maybe not.

Now, I must go investigate the goings-on in Aruba. My really good friend, Jason, hasn't been aronud for days, which is odd. We generally talk every day, but it's been five days since I've heard a peep out of him. I know his parents moved to Aruba earlier in the year, but last I heard, his mom was with him in Houston. So... I don't know. I need to make sure everything's ok. I feel like a panicky mother, desperate for information from my child, but I won't resort to calling the police or anything crazy, I promise.

So.. Aruba and food. Yes, that settles it. Ciao!

:: before :: after