a spoonful of random...

obsessed with obsessions

written at 11:32 p.m. on 01.28.05

The lack of an entry for yesterday should be an indication of the horrors of the marketing project fiasco. I spent several hours on Club working on my essay, and then went out for an hour or two to get food an entertainment. I then spent from 2:00-5:30am writing a four-page essay on file folders. I didn't get to sleep until after chapel, and then I slept through Calculus (that man is going to kill me) and I did not wake up until almost 7pm. Jenna came in to wake me, and the two of us walked over to Club for a night of chillin. Pizza was had, a movie was watched, and great fun was had by all. A bloody good time was had by all? Yes, much better. The word "bloody" is my favorite part of Marian Keyes' books. Well, one of my favorite things. Moving on..

That pretty much sums up my life in the past two days. Club and a marketing project and some more Club. Yes, I am obsessed. Obsessions make life worth living. The only part of chapel I remember is when the speaker mentioned Frodo and Lord of the Rings and Tolkien and all that greatness. I purred in chapel. I love obsessions.

Ok, well, I'm going to try to write up my last "serious entry" for English now, so I can stop worrying about it. Writing about serious topics in a blog is such a stretch. I usually reserve that sort of thing for my other journal, but alas, that is the very reason for which I hesitated to share that link with my classmates. Oh, well. Maybe I should have just posted my Xanga link.

Sounds like another movie is happening in my suite, so I'm gonna go investigate the situation. Au revoir!

:: before :: after