a spoonful of random...

the informal formal

written at 7:52 p.m. on 04.20.03
I only had to click twice to update today.

I'm ashamed of myself. Many reasons.

So, I found a dress for formal! It's white, so I'm sure I'll spill on it. My mom has this gift certificate for a nail place, and she really wants me to go with her, so I think I might get something pretty done to my nails. They really are horrible looking. I was telling Shannon that I would never think of getting my nails done for a one-time occasion like formal, but I really do just want to be able to look at my hands without cringing for once. Seriously, have you seen my hands lately? They look like they've been through a blender cuz my piano has these evil ivory keys that are chipped off and are constantly eating off my fingers. It's like one of those sad movies where people with diseases keep doing what they love no matter how painful... like playing a crazed piano every day for hours. Right...

So, who planned Easter to be right before formal? Or better yet, who planned formal to be right after Easter? I've eaten enough candy to rip through every seam of my dress just by looking at it. I think even my hair is fatter!!!

Instrumental music rocks.

I'm really in the mood to watch Lord of the Rings...it's 8:00 pm now, so... I have time. I think I'm gonna go do that. SIGH. LORD OF THE RINGS ROCKS, AND ALL WHO DISAGREE ARE COMMUNISTS!! (bwa ha ha... I know you love that logic, Allison!)

I'm off to see the wizard, the wonderful wizard of Oz! Actually, the wonderful wizard by the name of Gandalf. Sweet, sweet Gandalf..and Frodo, and Sam, and Legolas, and all my precious little hobbits and elves and dwarves and such. "Smeagol" will not ruin the real Smeagol/Gollum though, for I refuse to link such a nasty person to such a beautiful movie. THE END!

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