a spoonful of random...

don't tell me to smile

written at 10:14 p.m. on 04.16.03
I only had to push the refresh button FIVE times to be allowed to add this entry! I'll just keep track every time I write in this thing, just to see how Diaryland is faring.

Ok, so today was a really interesting day.

La la la.

Hehe, I'm pondering leaving you in "suspence." (Sorry, Shannon, opportunity knocked.) But, then again, how suspenseful could this possibly be when just about everyone at school knows my life story by now...

Let's back up to Monday, shall we? This is for the sake of Allison and Kristina, who were not here, though I filled in Kristina for the most part in accounting class today. Okay, after Chamber Choir, Josh N. stopped me and asked me if I was going to formal. I said "Yeah, with Shannon." He said, "Well, I think you should go with Noel." I said, "Umm.. no can do." To shorten this up a bit, I'll just tell you that the rest of the day was spent with me getting more and more frustrated as he kept pestering me about this ALL day. (After school on Friday, I think, Noel asked me if I was going to formal, and I again said, "Yes, with Shannon." He said "Oh, ok, cool.") Ok, so Josh apparently wasn't convinced with my foot-stomping, ear-smoking performances throughout the school day, so he gave Noel the impression that it was ok to still ask me to formal. (Noel and Josh and Kyle and ?josh's cousin? and Dan Knighten and I are in a band together, so it was a go-with-me-as-friends/fellowbandpeople thing) So, Noel asked me after school, though I was already late and trying to run..away, and I said "NO, I'm going with Shannon!" So I had to explain for a good five minutes that it's important that I don't just ditch Shannon, even if she is a girl. SO WHAT!?!?! Ok, so Allison, that is the story...haha, I couldn't tell you in science cuz Noel was sitting right there...yeah.

Ok, so today, I got a minimal amount of crap from Neiquist about me rejecting Noel. I think everyone's just gonna forget it about and move on. No big deal, just completely adding to the current frustrations in math class. I think just about everyone who passed me in the hallways received the telepathic message that I hate smeagol, and that I wasn't about to take any crap from him about talking in class. So, I almost cried in the little meeting with Mrs. Heath I was so frustrated!! It's insane how unstable my emotions get when I'm mad.

So, I was dabbing my eyes with my sleeve trying to explain in a polite and civil way why I have the urge to KILL THIS PATHETIC EXCUSE FOR A HUMAN!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACK! He bothers the CRAP out of me!! There is no way to put my annoyedness into words! But that is what Allison, Shannon, and I were asked to do. Politely scream using words. Right...that's so impossible, especially cuz he was sitting right there! I almost wanted to ask for a chair with restraints on it so I didn't do anything "rash." Like, take off my ID tag...and sever his head from his body! Except I wouldn't want to touch him or even be near! Ok, I'm getting mean. I'm just really mad, and that makes me crazy. Unstable, very unstable.

The only happy news today was about advancing to the semi-semi-finals of National Merit, or something along those lines. The letter I got was written in smeagol. Haha, I could make some great insults out of his stupidity...

Insults using the word "smeagol"
* you little son of a smeagol!!
* i don't get it, it's written in smeagol
* go to smeagol's house!! (as opposed to go to heck or go to school)
* i sentence you to life in SMEAGOLVILLE

ok, more later, getting late, must leave!

:: before :: after