a spoonful of random...

explanatory crappiness

written at 9:13 p.m. on 03.30.03
explanations, explanations. this is like my fourth entry of the day, but it's absolutely necessary. go to the archives button and you'll find that after the hampton inn...purr thing i wrote a real entry today. then i added a babblative quote. then i realized that i had this link on my page that says rings...it's a really spiffy way to put the rings i belong to on one page, but in order to create this page i had to add an entry with the html title of rings.html. to make a boring story longer and more boring than necessary, the only entry worth reading today is, besides this note of explanation, is the "formally known as hob nob" entry. so there you have it. bah humbug this is too much work. and i updated yar-matey, which you can find by clicking the ahoy button. yay! the end!
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