a spoonful of random...

stupid neighbor people

written at 8:32 p.m. on 08.02.02
where has everyone gone? i'm soo bored. all my friends from youth group are out seeing signs right now, but i'm not feeling good so i get to stay home. oh yeah. but i made chocolate cupcakes :) as a dessert for the awesome tacos i made for dinner. hate to brag, but i'm proud of myself, cuz for the past three years, my cooking repetoire (sp?) has consisted of grilled cheese and hotdogs..go me. haha, oh goodness, i must explain the noises i am hearing..

my brother's friend from across the street joined up with some local jazz band for kids and that group is having their concert tonight...down the block practically. from all the places in cary to be, they're like right in my backyard...and they're not really that good. sometimes it sounds like they're all maybe on the same song, maybe even on the same page (i'm just glad they're all in the same book), but except for those moments, it stinks. i'm tempted to petition against the production of saxophones, trumpets, and other loud brass noises..either that or i'll call the police and see what entertainment that will provide. so in attempt to make that ickiness go away, i've turned on the radio and no matter how loud i turn it up....IT DOESN'T HELP!!! aaack.

well, i must go, because i feel betrayed..nobody else updated, so i guess i shall end....THE END-tiggersnail

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