a spoonful of random...

original got erased..i'm mad!!!!

written at 9:42 p.m. on 2002-06-23
ok i'm pissed. i just wrote this awesome really long entry and as i was wrapping it up, my computer froze, well part of it did. and my diary went *poof*. aack!!! well, i played piano fine, allison i'm really glad you're back, jason i'm glad sheepy's on but u need to put a guestbook on ur diary if ur gonna tell people to sign it, and i'm STILL MAD ABOUT THIS STUPID COMPUTER THING!! this sucks like a good vacuum. rrrgh. well then, i guess i'll just do a "classic" diary, which entails all the "BLAH BLAH of the day" stuff. so be prepared. this would've been fun to read, but NOOOOOOOOO my computer had to freak out when i tried to do things. rrrgh.

RANDOM THOUGHT OF THE DAY: spongebob squarepants is coming to meijers! yeah. i might actually overcome my fear of people in costumes and take my picture with him. anywho. and in the ORIGINAL DIARY BEFORE IT GOT ERASED...i wrote out the whole merry theme song, sound effects and all, but darn you don't get to read that anymore.

RIDDLE OF THE DAY, (#19) no thanks to riddlenut.com which caused this whole problem in the first case, long story: FOUR is HALF of FIVE.

Is this statement True or False?

answer of the day: It's True. The Roman Numeral FOUR (IV) is in the middle of the word Five: F(IV)E

hardy har..not

IN THE SPOTLIGHT: umm..nothing. at all. i quit. i'm too *sniff* upset to write...i have..writer's..block...*sniff* just..let..me..be....alone... please. the END NOW GO AWAY!!!! YOU FREAKISH PEOPLE!! STOP PRYING INTO MY LIFE!!!!!!!!!! hahaha, all better. good laugh cures all, sayeth the ancient chinese. not really, but, who gives a hang?! not i, said the little red hen. toodles gang!! -tiggersnail

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