a spoonful of random...

let's hear it for the awesomeness of stickers!

written at 4:30 p.m. on 07.02.05

The theme for this month's PMB Challenge is "yellow." I have so many ideas rolling around in my head, it hurts. But, then that stupid, "No pain, no gain" mentality kicks in with all its truth and rhymingness (one million cool points every time you make up a word! w00t.), and I realize how much fun it is to design. I haven't lost all my creativity, and I'm still pretty decent at making up a layout once I have an image.

I'll notify everyone when the templates are up for voting so you can go pick. I don't even care if I win. I'm just happy to participate. I'm also glad to be working on something besides that stupid design for that stupid site of mine.

It's not stupid, I'm just tired of working on it.

Anyway, I'm feeling quite inspired to start living that whole thing most people call "life" now. Ya know, waking up to see the light of day, hanging out with people, getting dressed in real clothes, doing my laundry, cleaning my room, helping out with some chores around the house.. Doing all those things that sound an awful lot like adult responsibilities if you don't do them with marker all over your face and a Powerpuff Girls sticker on your hand.


Ok, well, I'm gonna go play with Tinkerbell and Peter Pan for a while and leave the growing up part for someone else. The end.

:: before :: after