a spoonful of random...

After the beep does its thing, leave a message...

written at 1:51 p.m. on 12.14.05

I just figured out why I've been getting one to two calls a day on my cell phone from toll-free numbers... Some dooftard named George Burnthapofajdf gave out the wrong number! None of these people calling had left messages until today, when Mrs. Cook called for George and gave him her phone number and extension. George is going to force me to record an actual greeting for my voicemail.

Many moons ago, Allison and Dunmuffin recorded a fun little song for my voicemail. Nobody could tell what they were saying, but it was a great inside joke. I was very happy that I didn't have to record and listen to my own girly voice over and over again.. they simply sat down with a guitar and a harmonica and busted out the greatest song known to mankind.

That phone is long gone, as is the phone number, the plan, and the people who made it great. Son-son is in Italy, and Dunmuffin is in Iowa, so it looks as if I will have to record my own greeting. I'm thinking of something like this...

Whether you call me Rachelskirts, Princess, Pirate, or Cookie, this is my voicemail, and this is your chance to shine. So go ahead, leave me some love. All the cool kids are doin' it.

Though I would love to be a little more goofy, I must remember that at some point, I may have to give that number to a boss or fellow employee. I may also be giving out that number to commercial clients of Cookie Designs, should I ever get around to web design again.

If you have any grand ideas, please feel free to leave a comment at the bottom of this entry. It would be much appreciated.

I contemplated taking a semester off of school to work full-time, but my place of employment is not hiring full-time for next semester. Therefore, I shall be going back to school, paying for it myself, and hopefully getting to take the classes I want this time.

Pray that this semester is not another disaster. At least this semester I was able to keep up the momentum for a good two months...

Responsibility is beckoning, so go ahead and leave some great voicemail ideas for me. Please, pretty please.

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