a spoonful of random...

i want my chunk of toe back, please

written at 2:46 a.m. on 04.15.05

I should definitely be asleep by this point in time, but the smell of the chocolate that is sitting on my desk is haunting me. I just must eat one last Milano cookie before heading to bed. Granted, I said that about eight cookies ago, but.. I'm pretty sure I'll have plenty of time for sleeping this weekend.

Listening to Something Corporate is the weirdest thing ever. Or.. one of the weirdest things ever. Or.. a weird thing. Anyway.. I love this band so much, but it tears me apart to hear the music. Jason introduced me to the band, and the music has this bittersweetness to it because of that. A lot of these songs are ones we play on the piano a lot, which adds another layer to the sentimental masterpiece I'm creating over here. Rawr. Sometimes, being so passionate about music has its drawbacks. I relate songs to people, so any change in the person will result in a change of my view of the song. That holds true for any combo of song-to-person or person-to-song relationships possibly derived from that sentence. In a nutshell, my love of music is interwoven to the very fabric of my life. Sometimes, that rocks my socks. Other times, it's a burden.

It's a well-known fact that I often pull inspiration for these entries from whatever is lying around on my desk. On that note, I found my license today. It has been missing since I flew home from Spring Break. Apparently, it was under my chair the entire time. That just goes to show you how often I look under my chair.. Anyway, I'm happy to have found it. Some part of me wanted to panic and was thinking of worst-case scenarios the minute I realized it was not in my purse.

Follow this train of thought for me, please. License.. Illinois.. I'm a resident of Illinois, but that might change.. ok, now breathe deeply and read this over carefully. I'm contemplating switching schools to UTA (University of Texas in Arlington), living in an apartment and becoming a resident of Texas, and sharing said apartment with Jason and Haynes and Michael. (Michael is a friend of Haynes, though Haynes' first name is also Michael. Confusing? Very much so.) This is a huge decision, and one that will probably not go over well with my parents. Most of my friends are balking at the idea of me sharing an apartment with three guys. So.. I might have to look into getting my own apartment, just for the sake of appeasing the troubled spirits of many beloved friends. Sigh. I could write an entire entry detailing why I want to do what I want to do, but I really should be getting to bed soon.

In other news, walking on upside-down heels will possibly result in losing a chunk of flesh from your toe. Kids, don't try this at home.

Well, that's all for tonight, folks. I'll update further on the UTA situation soon, I promise.

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