a spoonful of random...

Sleep and chocolate.. they make the wheels on the bus go round and round.

written at 10:04 p.m. on 02.03.06

My community college just now accepted my transfer credits from my previous university. I sometimes question the intelligence of the people in the admissions and registration offices.

Me: I'm transferring, so I won't need to take the "Intro to College Life" course, right? I mean, I already have one year of experience at college.
Admissions Counselor: Correct. Once we get your transcript in, we'll be able to waive that requirement.
* * * Several months later * * *
Annoying Letter from Admissions: You must take "Intro to College Life" this semester. Otherwise, we will rip your toenails off from the underside of your foot, feed them to you via an IV, and then remove all fonts except Comic Sans from your computer. BWA HA HA.
Me: What the deuce??

Yah.. dealing with underpaid employees of a community college.. about as much fun as watching dry paint.

My funny broke today. The recipe for wittiness apparently includes awakeness and chocolate, and I had neither. People gave me looks of disappointment when they attempted to conjur up some witty banter and all I could do was stare and smile. It was discouraging. I felt like handing out copies of humorous video clips of various comedy acts to fill the void. Seriously, say one funny thing, and they expect you to perform on command, 24/7.

Needy skanks.

My motivation also broke. Remember the first week of school this semester? I was all fired up and jazzed about getting straight A's?? I was doing my homework ahead of time and taking excessive notes outside of class?

Yah.. I'm back to my role as reigning queen of procrastination. I have homework that is due in twenty-four hours exactly, and the only real time to do it is tonight. Yet here I sit, head pounding from lack of sleep, wishing I could be five years old again... *sigh*

I need chocolate.

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