a spoonful of random...

on a scale from one to lazy...

written at 3:50 p.m. on 05.16.05

Though I just woke up approximately fifty minutes ago, roughly twelve hours after getting to bed, I feel like I didn't sleep at all. My cat kept waking me every twenty minutes, so I really didn't get any useful rest. I did, however, have some memorable dreams that I hope to continue tonight. Those are some of my favorite dreams, the ones which morph into a series of sorts. I'd divulge the contents of the dreams here, but.. not until you're older.

Last night, I forced myself to get into a "cleaning mood." Out of the sixteen boxes I originally hauled to my room, thirteen still remain. Most are half-empty, but the contents have merely been spewed onto my bedroom floor. I have cut little pathways, spinning out from my desk. One leads to the bed, one to the couch, and one to the door. Essential pathways, trust me. The boxes are really just asking as tables at this point. My phone and book (Sense and Sensibility) and a pen and a notebook are all sitting atop the tower of boxes nearest to the couch. The couch itself is holding a comforter, a down featherbed, a body pillow (it fits perfectly across the length of the couch), and several blankets. Napping paradise? I think so. Plus, it's a prime spot from which to watch movies or Gilmore Girls on the TV that is on my desk. The only thing that would secure my happiness would be the recovery of my remote controls from this pig sty.

Sigh. You don't realize how lazy you are til you find yourself unable to function without remote controls.

On that depressing note, I'm going to go grab a snack from the kitchen. Hey look! No need for depression yet! I'm not lazy enough to starve to death. Excellent news.

:: before :: after