a spoonful of random...

poor puppy.. afraid of the thunderstorm.. (alas, i have a heart after all!)

written at 3:45 p.m. on 06.27.05

Today was one of the first times in a while that I've actually felt lonely. As I typed that depressing start of an entry, the impressive sound of thunder reverberated through the house. Awesome. I'm depressed at the same time that the weather is.

Actually, I'm not really depressed. I just don't hate the idea of hanging out with people as much as I did yesterday, the day before, and the previous seven or eight weeks of my life. It's not that I'm a huge fan of being the loner or hermit or anything. I miss my friends from college and would rather be hanging out with them then some of the people who have tried contacting me this summer. I still have about four people in this area of the country with whom I really want to spend some time, but there is always the risk that those annoying other people will be involved somehow. Poo on me for being a cranky bitch, and poo on them for being annoying.

It's almost time for Gilmore Girls. If it wasn't for the fact that it's a bonding time for my mom and I, there would definitely be a nap happening right about now. I've seen the first season of Gilmore Girls one-quarter of the number of times I have seen Lord of the Rings, almost. For those interested in mocking my awesomeness, I've seen Lord of the Rings (the entire trilogy) approximately 85 times and counting.

Anyway, yeah.. I wish the fifth season of Gilmore Girls was on instead of the first season...

Awwwwww... my dog (terrified of thunderstorms) just came crawling into my room to try to hide in my closet. Poor 82510-year-old puppy!!

*Several hours pass by as I sit in front of the TV with my mother. Fascinating, I know it.*

The storm's over, I'm still lonely, and this entry is going nowhere. So.. update your own site so I have something to read tomorrow when I'm inevitably bored. Ciao!

P.S. Games that feature recurring siren sounds, such as the one my brother is currently playing in his room, should be burned. Trogdor the Burninator needs to come over to my house right now and rid me of the crappy sound effects that are giving me a headache.

:: before :: after