a spoonful of random...

saturday.. wow, you were somethin else

written at 5:41 p.m. on 03.13.05

Saturday, you were an interesting day. I pulled on all-nighter on Friday night, so by 5am, I was kinda anxious for the day to begin. Pimp drove me to the airport, but it didn't even open until 5:30am, so I got to spend thirty minutes standing with an older couple between two sets of automatic sliding doors. The set that was unlocked would open and close spastically if you so much as breathed too hard, so we were pinned against the walls of this little dorm-sized room that boasted all of like four different kinds of newspapers and a really dirty floor. Some magical, groggy-eyed lady came to unlock the doors finally, the same groggy-eyed lady who then printed off my boarding passes and checked my luggage. The security peoples didn't get their butts in gear til six o'clock, so I had to pretend to watch the news out in some lobby for a while. After being deemed as not-so-hazardous, I was ready to be bored for the next forty-five minutes, but, out of nowhere, Bryan from Club showed up to entertain me until our flight left.

Flight number one.. Bryan and I ended up seated right next to each other, and we were talking.. then I woke up, and we were landing at DFW. Bryan and I rode the TrAAin to get to Terminal C, though it was totally the long way for me to go. With a three-hour layover at DFW, I wasn't too concerned. I met a girl named Alyssa on the TrAAin who was flying alone for the first time and who was on my flight. We chilled together for the entire layover, which was definitely a blessing. I was gonna be so bored and lonely and paranoid, but I was none of those things thanks to Alyssa. I did get really sleepy near the end of those three hours. I was starting to fear that I would fall asleep and miss my flight. Fortunately, I managed to stay awake.

Flight number two started off my least favorite way.. I found my seat (next to the window), dug out my mp3 player and my headphones and Catch-22, started listening to music and reading, and spent every other second glancing up to see who was going to spend the next two hours seated next to me. Oh man, he's huge, I hope he doesn't sit next to me. He'll take up the whole seat. He probably farts, too. Phew, not him. Oh man, she has little kids. Please, no. Wow, that was close. Ooo.. he's kinda cute.. really cute.. OH no. He can't sit next to me! I won't know what to say, and the whole flight will be awkward! He's sitting down! Dang, he's even cuter up close.. He's looking this way! Quick, go back to reading. Look up casually, and say something amazing.

"Hey." I owe my lack of sleep for that little burst of wit and genius. I still had my headphones on and was still immersed in my book when he responded with an easygoing, "Hey," and the accompanying nod of the head. I'm sure I blushed. I'm sure he chuckled to he didn't notice. He pulled out a magazine from his backpack and began to flip through the pages as if he hadn't a care in the world. A few minutes later, I saw him pull out the safety instruction manual from the pocket in front of him. He chuckled at the pictures, and leaned over to tell me, "They look like they're having so much fun!" I laughed, exhaling the stress and pressure that had been building up since landing at DFW. We spent the rest of the flight in playful conversation or reading our respective literature. I never did catch his name, but it was certainly a blessing to have someone nice to sit next to during the flight. I've been blessed with a lot of cool in-flight buddies since I've started flying alone.

Anyway, I met up with my mom and dad after the flight, picked up my baggage, was fed a bagel and water, then stopped at a McDonald's for some more food. I had been home for a few hours when Allison called and asked if I wanted to come hang out. I hesitated, realizing that I needed sleep, then slapped myself for thinking such thoughts. I jumped at the chance to chill with my friends, since we didn't get much of a chance to hang out over Christmas break, what with me having to work and getting my wisdom teeth pulled and all. Melody, Shannon, Noel, Carlos, Allison, and I spent the night chatting and watching Arrested Development (Season 1 on DVD) and flipping through Cosmopolitan and random stuff like that. It was great fun.

The creepy part of Saturday night was when I was only minutes away from home. Some car started following me around my neighborhood with seemingly malicious intent. I was being followed for so long that I started panicking and began to ignore the stop signs everywhere, just speeding on through, trying to lose the creep. I called up my dad from his cell phone, accidentally letting the phrase, "What the hell is he following me for?" escape my lips, but I think it went unnoticed. My dad suggested meeting him at the parking lot of the nearby grocery store. Fortunately, I lost the car immediately after leaving my neighborhood, but it was flippin scary. Why does stuff like this seem to happen to me a lot? It's just pure craziness.

Well, that was Saturday for ya. Other stuff has been happening, but I'll update on that later. Ciao!

:: before :: after