a spoonful of random...

speech class.. gag me with a spork

written at 7:10 p.m. on 01.24.05

I am saddened. I wrote my three hundredth entry recently, and I wasn't even aware I was writing it.

I wish I could say the same about my upcoming speech. It is due tomorrow morning, and I am absolutely dreading the experience. Public speaking makes me nauseous, literally. Added to the uncomfortable feeling of butterflies imploding in my stomach, I also tend to lose control of my limbs and my jaw. My hands and knees shake, and my teeth chatter uncontrollably.

One topic that might make an interesting speech is racism. I mentioned a few months ago that Sheryl and I had an intense discussion regarding racism that really ignited a passion in me. I will have to write an entry about that tomorrow when I have more time.

Meanwhile, I have a speech to write, as well as homework in Accounting and English. Ciao!

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