a spoonful of random...

snow, sleet, go away, come again when i don't have to drive

written at 2:51 p.m. on 01.04.05

I think the idea of cutting my hair short is going in the trash can along with the idea of getting my lip pierced and the idea of getting a tattoo around my wrist. I will, however, be getting a few inches cut off just to spice things up a bit.

I'm actually getting ready for work now (I work from 4:30-8:30pm today) and I'm wondering where my mom is with the van. Apparently there is a huge storm watch in my area right now, and I'm really not looking foward to driving in snow or freezing rain or sleet or whatever the crap is going to try to precipitate itself all over the roads. I am, however, looking forward to a traditional slumber party at Allison's house, just the two of us, including the necessary junk food and talk of boys. Ahh.. it shall be great fun.

Well, this entry is going to have to be short and informative and pretty unentertaining, since I now have to go finish beautifying myself. I do have a goal of updating daily from now on, but we'll see how long that lasts once school starts up again.

Meanwhile, the hair and makeup aren't doing themselves while I'm typing, so off I go! Ciao!

3:50 p.m.
Edit: Well, change of plans. Today's forecast was cause for mi madre to be very concerned. So... no more going to work (Mari is covering for me, though in return she heaped upon me many pounds of guilt.) and unfortunately, no more traipsing about at Allison-sons house, either. Sigh. This makes me sad. I was very much looking forward to this, actually. I'm all packed and ready for a fun-filled evening. Sigh again. I guess there are still other nights this week. Rawr. Anyway, three cheers for not having to work!!

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