a spoonful of random...

Smitty's duck needs a name.

written at 12:56 p.m. on 02.28.06

LOOK!!! I started coding a design for Rachelskirts.com!! Finally! It won't be long until my UberBlog is complete!

Speaking of designs, I think it's time for a revamp. Tomorrow is the first day of March, meaning that Spring is right around the corner! Yay! Flowers, pollen, allergies, rain, rain, rain, rain, zomg more rain. Smitty (the gnome) is going to need a seasonally themed home, and I'm here to give him one. Maybe I'll give him a rubber ducky friend. Ducks go with Spring, right? Maybe Peeps. Am I the only one who finds Peeps to be utterly disgusting? Seriously, I get them every year in my Easter basket, and every year I blow one up in the microwave and throw the rest away.

Speaking of Easter, I need to go shower.

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