a spoonful of random...

Rachelskirts Entry: "I wish there was someone else to blame, but it's my own dang fault."

written at 8:11 p.m. on 09.26.06

In case you missed yesterday's entry about the whole "split diary" thing that I shall be trying here, get your butt over there momentarily to catch up on the haps in Blogville.

With that said, I'm putting up my first entry over at *insert dramatic pause here* THE LOCKED DIARY!!! Dun dun dunnn!!! *insert screams of old ladies here*

To read said babblative nonsense, head over to rachelskirts.diaryland.com. Don't get all excited that it's some grand entry just because it's locked... I just don't need the whole world reading about my personal life all the dang time. Sometimes I like to revel in my loserness on a more private level.

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