a spoonful of random...

one-way trip to ramblesville, usa

written at 2:26 p.m. on 08.10.05

Oh yeah! Thanks, John, for the congrats! I won the PMB challenge a week and a half ago and I believe I totally neglected to post the good news here! Oops.

So yeah! That's some great news. Some more great news comes into play when I look over my schedule for this next semester....

Intro to the Internet - 6:00-9:50pm on Mondays.. doesn't start 'til October
Intro to Shakespeare - 2:30-3:50pm on Mondays and Wednesdays
Novels American - 4:00-6:50pm on Tuesdays
Physical Fitness online
Principles of Management online

Yeah. Twelve credit hours. Beautiful. I'm in class Monday through Wednesday. I have only one retarded class (Intro to the Internet.. psh), and that doesn't even start 'til October. Everything else starts August 19th-23rd. Somewhere in that general timespan.

Man, I'm so psyched. The two English classes I'm taking are really heavy on reading, which makes me super happy.

Admission Counselor: You know these two classes are really heavy in reading, right?
Me: Yes, ma'am.
AC: And you're ok with that?
Me: Yes, ma'am.
AC: You.. you like to read, right?
Me: Yup.
AC: Ok, well that's fine, too. Just so long as you understand.
*pause* Dad: Wait, does that mean there are a lot of papers to write?
Me: Dad, it doesn't matter. I want to take the classes.

Yeah, it was one entertaining day trying to get registered for classes on Monday. Two online classes, though. That's pretty spiffy in my book. Wait, but if I'm taking classes online, wouldn't that indicate that I DON'T NEED AN INTRO TO THE INTERNET CLASS???

My dad even piped up and was like, "Well, she does have her own web design business now. I mean, couldn't they just head over to www.cookiedesigns.net and see that she doesn't need the class?"

Unfortunately, that's a big fat "NO." Out of the 40 or so CIS classes available, approximately 14 of them have the option of testing out. My class? One of the only entry-level courses that doesn't have a test-out option.


So that is... school, PMB, what else? Oh yeah, Cookie Designs is on its way to being completed. I mean, it's open now... (Huzzah!)... but, it's still all under-constructiony. Totally not a word. Shut up, already.

School. PMB. Cookie Designs. Any other news? MTV is here 'til tomorrow. I haven't gone in to do any filming. I quite frankly do NOT want to be around the one group of people who somehow managed to strip me of every last drop of confidence and self-esteem with stupid questions like, "Do you have a boyfriend yet?" and crap like that.

I mean, I went off to college and discovered that I totally love me for the way that I am. I let myself kinda pick who I wanted to be at college, and the person I came back to was the same person I've always been. I like who I am, and for the most part, I'm armed and dangerous with a buttload of confidence. However, there is something about my classmates from high school.. I was never cool enough for them, never enough of this or that. I was still friends with everybody, but there were those few kids who were mean enough to sneak you that "You're worthless. You're not as cool as me," look that I hated so much.

So.. I think I'd rather make my debut into the entertainment industry.. NOT with those people. I want to be free to be me. Then again, part of me REALLY wants to go back to see if my new-found confidence will put all those fakers to shame. Really, I want to go back and take over the world by first becoming the coolest most popular kid of my high school class.

And that, ladies and gentlemen, is just how insane I am.

But, alas, I've decided not to go. As many people are yiping at me that this is a one-time opportunity, I really don't care! I don't have to answer the door every time opportunity knocks. Heck, sometimes the opportunity to become a bigger loser knocks, and as tempting as that Loser dude is, I just have to resist the temptation to invite him in! Need an example? Well, too bad. The example that was in my head went away the second I offered it to you.

OK, I'm really rambly and.. not-sense-making-ish today. See that monstrosity of a word thing? Yeah, that's proof that I need to shut up and maybe try THINKING before writing.

So, for the sanity of us all, adieu!!

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