a spoonful of random...

Looks like I'm going back on a diet of Poptarts and bananas until I can afford real food.

written at 7:53 p.m. on 01.09.06

All I can think about right now is how much I freaking hate Comic Sans. Ever since I discovered BanComicSans.com, I've been noticing more and more people using the damn font! I want to stab my eyes out every time I see it, especially since I'm already cranky and am prone to flying rampages involving sporks and decorative scissors and other sharp objects.

RAWR. Just know that you have been forewarned. If you even think about using that freaking font any time in the near future, know that you will get a nasty comment from me telling you what a slimy pile of butt you are.

(Pile of butt?)

In more cheery news, I now have random episodes of Gilmore Girls Season Six on my computer. Just *poof* magic! I'm hoping to get all caught up by next week Tuesday, so I can start watching the new episodes with mi madre.

Yeah yeah, I was supposed to be cutting back on the chill-with-the-mom time and taking baby steps toward being social again... Stop reminding me! I'm comfortable in my hermitness. Sure, it's unhealthy and abnormal, but.. but.. *sigh*

Hey, at least I got some DDR time in today. I'm crossing a few things off my list! Give me some credit!

Speaking of crossing things off lists, I still haven't mailed in my rebate forms for my new computer. Oops. I think I passed up the 45-day mark recentlyish, meaning I won't get my $100 back for buying a monitor and tower together. *le sigh* I really could've used that money, too. I have to pay for student loans (damn college didn't pass on the word that I'm still in school and therefore exempt from making payments), tuition, books, and the billions of dollars I owe my parents. Okay fine, not billions, but when your paycheck is hovering in the $350 range for every two weeks, there isn't enough dough to go around. Hell, my cell phone bill was almost that much last month due to each AIM message being counted as a text message and blah blah... I'm sick of dealing with money issues. I want my childhood back.

I think I'm going to bed now. Sorry for the angry, depressing rant of an entry. I intended to be jovial or spiteful or something, but then the email from my dad arrived spouting off all the things I need to pay for in the next two days and holycrapshuttingupnow. G'night, y'all. Much love.

EDIT!! (9:16pm) I just found out moments ago that my school must have contacted the loan place finally, so I'm officially "in school" and exempt from making payments. Suhweet! Goodness gracious, where is my faith these days?

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