a spoonful of random...

look at those transitions! beautiful!

written at 9:55 p.m. on 07.27.04

"Oh WOW. Just a question...since when did the United States allow children to go fight in Iraq? Moore is an idiot. He is practically a pink flip-flop."

I just visited an anti-Bush diary here at beloved Diaryland. I skimmed the site, almost barfed, and then went to go sign the guestbook. I told the people who ran the site that though I disagreed with them completely, I did admire their boldness in defending their political views. Meanwhile, the entry directly beneath mine was what I just quoted above. I am wondering if "pink flip-flop" is a new insult that I somehow missed. I mean, I miss a lot of proverbial memos, but I would hope someone would have filled me in on something that hilarious. Anyway, until I am informed by someone that the phrase has some hidden meaning, I'm going to embrace it and use it as often as possible. Take that, you pink flip-flops! Bwa ha ha.

OK.. so I'm thinking it's about time I updated that cast page. I said that in the last entry too, but I managed to make up a list of cast members one day. All that is left is to fill in the details and post it.

Allison, I called you today. I hung up before the answering machine picked up, but I did call. I'm slowly gaining control over myself. I wrote more about this dilemma in an entry at the other diary. I hope I haven't become psychotic or anything. It would be sad if I turned out to be like the guy on A Beautiful Mind, genius but completely insane. (I like to pretend I'm a genius, but only because someone told me once that my IQ level was genius. Who knows. I also pretend I'm a princess, so go figure.)

I just received a directory in the mail today from LeTourneau, listing all the incoming freshman. The first page had eleven males and one female. Yeah, I like those odds. Actually, it's not quite that bad throughout the entire directory, but the school as a whole boasts a pathetic 10:1 guy/girl ratio, or something like that. Subtract all the really nerdy, no-potential-at-all guys, and it's probably a lot closer to 2:1. Still, that's in my favor.

Speaking of that directory, I did find out that I am one of four people from Illinois who will be a freshman at LeTourneau this fall. The other three students are males, and one even lives about ten minutes away from my house! And when I typed that, I originally wrote mouse. I do not have a mouse.

Our church has a mouse, however. (Nice transition, eh?) This mouse has been known to leave droppings in the office of my music pastor. Pastor Doug is terrified of mice. My mom, along with another church staff member, devised a rather clever plan. Chocolate sprinkles look a heck of a lot like mouse droppings. So, they have, on two or three occassions, placed chocolate sprinkles in his office to freak him out. So far, it has worked every time, and he doesn't suspect a thing. Last time, my mom spelled out "Dug" on his desk. (She got lazy and didn't want to spell out the whole thing. Plus, mice might not know how to spell.) She never heard anything about it, so we're trying to think of other clever things to write on his desk.

If it wasn't such a long phrase, I would vote for something like, "We're coming for you..." or just "We're coming." Maybe "Run." Or "Leave now." Like in Lord of the Rings!

"Leave now, and never come back."
"What did you say?"


Speaking of Lord of the Rings (Woo-hoo! Two nice transitions in one entry!), my neighbors still have my Lord of the Rings DVDs. Well, just Two Towers and Return of the King. Really, people. It has been since the beginning or middle of June. I know you want to watch them as a family, and I'm happy that you're now Lord of the Rings fans, but COME ON! Buy the movies for yourselves!! I WANT MY MOVIES BACK! Bloody thieves. Pink flip-flops.

Well, now that I'm all irritated, I suppose I should channel my energy into getting something productive done. Or maybe I'll go play the Sims, which I finally loaded on my new laptop. I even copied my old files over, so I can play with my favorite families again. Ah, the nerdiness of my life. Isn't it beautiful? Doesn't it just bring a tear to your eye?

So long, farewell, something something something.. (I was trying to sing the song from The Sound of Music to y'all, but that obviously failed miserably.)

Ciao, you lovable bunch of bunny slippers.

:: before :: after