a spoonful of random...

Photo paper. Not the same as film.

written at 5:14 p.m. on 01.06.06

"Uh-oh, this package appears to be open. I think I'm going to go get another one. It's photo paper, and I don't want any light hitting it."

Hahahaha, I can just picture this woman printing pictures from her digital camera in the dark. It's photo paper, woman, not film.

How do these people survive?

So aside from the hilarity at work, not much has happened since the last update. I did get my official school schedule mailed to me yesterday. Check it, yo.

Monday / Wednesday
10:00am-11:20am - Microeconomics
11-30am-12:50pm - Elementary French

Tuesday / Thursday
10:00am-11:20am - Financial Accounting

Principles of Marketing (Yes, I took the exact same damn class last semester. Don't ask.)

Pretty sweet schedule, if I don't say so myself. I'm looking forward to French more than anything. I freaking love foreign languages, especially French and Latin. I like the fact that my classes are done early but they don't start early. It's the ideal schedule, which is I think what I said about my schedule for last semester. Oops. I was wrong. Night classes are not good for me. Night classes come after long days of work. I get too tired and just skip class and blah blah.

*pouty face* My mom was supposed to come home and go shopping with me hours ago. *le sigh* I guess I'll just go eat alone, curled up with Frodo and the rest of my precious hobbitses.

Peace out, yo.

:: before :: after