a spoonful of random...

A letter to October.

written at 12:06 a.m. on 10.01.06

Hello, October.

So far, you've been very wet. That's entirely my own fault, though, as I let Jenna take me running through the sprinklers on campus. We also rolled down a hill. Because of that, my pirate band-aids aren't sticking so well anymore, but that's okay. Tomorrow is my day to switch over to Spongebob band-aids anyway. In case September didn't inform you, I'm twenty-one years old now. Shocking, ain't it?

Well, as much fun as I anticipate having with you, October, I really would like you to be over so that I can be eating my Halloween candy. Furthermore, my mother will not be visiting until November, and I miss her a lot. I guess I'll just have to be patient.

Here's to a fantastic month, Octobuddy. No hell weeks, alright? Thanks. *muah*


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