a spoonful of random...

i'm so rambly without a stalker. i need inspiration!

written at 10:19 p.m. on 07.17.04

This is the summer that never ends, yes it goes on and on my friends.. Some people started living it not knowing what it was, and they'll continue living it forever just because..

Because they don't want to go to college.

Because they can't afford to go to college.

Because I sure as heck am having second thoughts about going to Texas. Why? I hate bugs. Even more than that, I hate big bugs. I also hate hot, humid conditions. I hate the fact that Texans think so highly of themselves simply because they live in Texas. I hate most of what Texas stands for. I hate country music. I'm going to die, probably at my own two hands.

Oh right, and I got this email from Roosevelt University, where I really have wanted to go all along. Here's a virtual tour of where I could be living this year for FREE if I wanted to. (All room and board fees were going to be waived this year because they wanted people to stay on campus.) Click here for the tour. I had to click the "download this tour" link to get it to work.

Meanwhile, I'm living in a not-so-bad apartment-style dorm. The blueprint is the second section down (Gilbert Hall) at this page. The biggest downside is having only one shower. Why the heck they decided to put a bathtub in the other bathroom is beyond me. Who takes baths on a regular basis anyway? Maybe one out of every fifty thousand people. Those people can have their own freakin dorm.

Pardon the moodiness. I don't feel well today. I even called in sick to work and slept the whole day. I lost my cell phone yesterday. I think it fell out of my purse at work. This is exciting. I hope I don't need any phone numbers over the weekend, since I gave up on keeping a paper address book and just store everything on my cell.

Well, the people next door are having a party. They've been out in their backyard with over twenty or thirty people since two in the afternoon. Not that I would know, since I was sleeping at that point. It's now ten thirty and they're still yelling and chatting and getting progressively more drunk. It's fascinating.

Now, I'm hoping I can sleep well tonight, because last night was horrible. I have to play piano at church tomorrow morning, so I can't be tired. I was in pain until I finally couldn't stand it at three o'clock this morning, when I rolled out of bed, stumbled down the hall and into my parents' room, trying not to wake them. I found some medicine that I hoped would work, popped some pills and finally fell asleep at four. I woke up at 8:00 to my freakin alarm, slept til ten and then got up to shower and go to work. The medicine had worn off, and I was in agony, so I called in, trying to sound as miserable as possible while talking to my panicking boss. It is Saturday, after all, and that means too many customers for the understaffed store to handle. Oh well. I hope it worked out in the end. I fell asleep as soon as I got off the phone, wet hair and all, and as I've already stated, I slept well into the afternoon. Here's hoping that I don't get all queasy in the middle of a church service tomorrow. That would blow. No pun intended.

SOoooooooooooooo. I'm running out of things to say. My mom and I have been trying to plan a shopping excursion for over two weeks now. Whenever we finally get a date picked and time set aside, something comes up last minute. Hopefully we find time soon, before the stores start putting out the winter wear. I'm sure any good summer clothes are already picked over, but I still have hope. I just need the bulky sweaters and sweatshirts to hold off a little longer, since I won't be needing that in Texas too often. Then again, I wear a sweatshirt and shorts combo even in eighty degree weather, so.. who knows. Who knows, who cares, moving right along!!

So, my precioussss, I do believe this is my cue to go get a life. Perhaps I'll take advantage of this boredom and go find some cool pics at GettyImages.com for some designs. I do have a bazillion half-finished books to get around to, as well. OH!! I am so totally inspired to go work on CookieDesigns.net, which is, as you probably know, the design site I'm in the middle of creating. When it is finished, it will be so incredible, .. You'll all want to be my friend again!! Ha, just kidding. Really, though, it will be lightyears cooler than that crappy Geocities site I have now. Who decided to measure coolness in lightyears anyway? What a stupid idea. Anywho, I'm off to go search for some yummy cookie pictures for the main site. Half the fun is making people drool over the chocolate chip cookies when they stop by. Bwa ha ha. I love being evil.

Ta ta for now, my darlings. I shan't be long. Maybe tomorrow I'll find the inspiration to write something of true interest. Maybe I'll trip random people at the mall or at the theatre. That always makes for a humorous story or two. Anyway, the end!!

:: before :: after