a spoonful of random...

Goodbye and good riddance.

written at 6:38 p.m. on 12.31.05

Goodbye, 2005, and good riddance. Thanks for the friends, the memories, the opportunity to be on MTV, the cell phone, the computer, the One Ring, the Evenstar pendant, and the imaginary daughter. Feel free to take back Hell Week, the bad hair days, the report cards, and the nasty letters from LeTourneau bugging me about chapel deficiencies.

2006, your challenge is as follows:

*Rock my socks off. Rock them on first, since I don't wear them otherwise.
*Break the trend of including a Hell Week. And no fair trading in a Hell Week for a Hell Month or something dumb.
*Don't scare off Motivation and Success. Give them the royal treatment, and let them stay as long as possible.
*Be nice to my family and friends. Or face the wrath of the Pirate Princess.

Wishing y'all a happy new year,
Pirate, Cookie, Princess, Rachelskirts,.. Me

:: before :: after