a spoonful of random...

i got me a new hat. woohoo!

written at 11:45 a.m. on 09.08.04

Wow. My butt has been saved twice this year. See, my MWF schedule is ridiculously boring and nasty. I have English Comp at 8:15am. Yeah, who the heck knows why I signed up for a morning class that early. After that class ends, I haul butt across campus to Psychology class. The teacher is one of those people who is hilarious when he's not teaching, but has this tendency of assuming a very boring manner while class is actually in session. Then, I get to go to the exact opposite side of campus to go to chapel.

Now, let me explain our "chapel" services. So far, they've been purely informational meetings and convocations and stuff. Today, a few Hispanic kids led some worship songs. Anyone who knows me either in real life or through this journal knows that I'm both a perfectionist and an avid musician / lover of music. This seriously was one of those sets that made your very soul cringe. The music was too slow (Weeeee wannnnnnnna seeeeeeee Jeeeeeeeeesusssssssss leeeeeeeefted hiiiiiiiiigh...) and each instrumentalist and vocalist was in a different key. Yeah. Nonetheless, I love singing praises to my Lord and Savior, so I just turned off the complaining voices in my head and worked with what was given to me. The speaker is actually the pastor at my aunt's church in Friendswood, TX. That was kinda cool. My mom emailed me letting me know he would be coming.

Anyway, by the time I write this, my eyes are not wanting to stay open. I woke up at 8:00 for my 8:15 class, screaming "Crap, crap, crap, crap..." and thinking various other expletives. Fortunately, my lunch break is fairly long MWF, and I have time to eat and then come back to my dorm to relax. Plus, one of my favorite classes, Biblical Foundations, is the last class of the day. The teacher is very witty, very funny, and very interesting as a teacher. He truly does "make learning fun," as cheesy as that sounds.

Anywho, I need to pee. Oh, I also need to finish cleaning my room for room inspections while simultaneously doing the laundry I was supposed to do five days ago.

If anybody wants to donate a digital camera to me, I'll be more than happy to post pics of me in my new Texas Longhorns hat. It's orange. It's also the only hat I've ever looked good in. Three cheers for Walmart. (But five billion cheers for Target. I'll never leave you, my love.)

Ok, off to class I go. Later, y'all.

:: before :: after