a spoonful of random...

missing out on my own life

written at 5:58 p.m. on 03.01.05

I went from daily updating in the month of January to five updates for the entire month of February. Huh. I'm guessing there is a happy medium to be found somewhere in there.

Life seems to be passing by too rapidly. I can sum up the past two months by saying, "I went to some classes, did some homework, and spent a lot of time hanging out with Club." I don't like being able to summarize that much time into one sentence. I'm enjoying almost every moment of my life, but it all winds up seeming so meaningless. I don't have any answers or solutions yet.. just lots of things to ponder.

Today was rather uneventful so far. My alarm clock magically turned itself off again today, and I slept through every single one of my classes. That about made me cry, in and of itself. I cannot afford to be missing classes this semester.. ever! Sigh. Dinner at SAGA was, well, food. It probably provided some degree of nourishment, but at this point, I just need my stomach to feel full. I don't care what fixes that situation, as long as the hunger pains stop. I was gonna play piano with Jason after dinner, but I don't know what happened to that idea.

The next things on my schedule are Club's intramural basketball games at 8:30 and 10:30pm. That should be fun. I miss watching basketball games. It'll be nice to watch a game out of uniform for once. It will also be nice to be able to cheer without worrying about how I'm smiling, clapping, or standing.

Homework must be done before I can go to these activities, so I suppose I should give up on this entry and go do that. Au revoir!

:: before :: after