a spoonful of random...

top news: sexy college babe goes blonde!

written at 9:06 p.m. on 05.29.05

Mmf. I'm getting addicted to everything ABC. I just watched Grey's Anatomy and Desperate Housewives and the freaking Indy 500. Something's wrong in Whoville. My suggestion is that I clean my room so I can actually get out of it once in a while. I'm kinda pinned in. I only get motivated to leave for food, other TV channels, piano, and umm.. oh yeah, on occasion, I shower.

This sexy college babe has hit an all-time low. 1) I'm calling myself a sexy college babe. 2) I bawled watching tonight's episode of Extreme Makeover: Home Edition. 3) I'm up-to-date on the news.

So, I'm gonna go umm.. yup. I have nowhere to go and nothing to do except eat. Haha.. maybe this is a good time to be cleaning that room. Right. Wow, you'd think I was a blonde. Scary, scary thought, folks.

(For the record, I'm brunette. I'm supposed to be taking pictures for my good friend Haynes, who left for OCS today, so if I take some, I'll be sure to post 'em here. I will also be sure to link to them so you have the option of not knowing what I look like.. unless you have the privilege of actually knowing me. This is getting rambly.)

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