a spoonful of random...

Lauren's an old fart like me now!

written at 11:12 p.m. on 11.19.05

This is the fourth entry in a row to be added under the Circuit City ad now emblazened across the add-an-entry page.Poo on Circuit City.

I would like to take this moment to wish Miss Lauren a very happy 20th birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!


Still keep Claire in your prayers I haven't heard any updates on the situation with her nan, but that can either be good or bad. Keep praying either way!

I have a mandatory meeting tomorrow at work. I want to look fantabulous for it since I never look good in my work uniform. I never take the time to look cute at work, but this time I have no real excuse for looking crappy. I must look smashing, dahling!

With that in mind, I'm calling it a night early and hittin' the hay. Sooo tired. Long day. Long week. It isn't going to get any easier.

OH YEAH! On the bright side, it looks like I might be able to go to Texas with the money I have saved up until this point! AIEE!! That rocks!

But it doesn't rock as much as Lauren's birthday!!!!!!!!! WOOT! The big 20!!! : ) I love ya, girly!

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