a spoonful of random...

i am woman, hear me .. purr.

written at 12:31 p.m. on 08.21.05

Soo cranky right now. Maybe it's from lack of sleep or maybe it's because I've been bottling too much stuff up. I re-lost the will to hang out with people due to this new wave of crankiness, so that kinda sucks. Maybe I'm manic depressive. Then Josh and I can have doubly manic depressive children and send them off to play with your children. Bwa ha.

This is all assuming I get married and assuming it is to Josh, since we do joke about it often enough. Then again, I would probably be needing to hang out with him at least once to get married. Perhaps at a wedding-type place.

But wait, wouldn't that prove that I'm a girl? Perhaps so. See, I've been waiting to rant about this all entry...

I'm not a dude. I'm not "one of the guys" either. I'm also not a "guy's girl" (whatever the crap that means).

I am a girl. Female. Womanlyish. Stop thinking that I am at all masculine because I'm not. I don't think like a dude and I'm missing an essential piece of equipment to be considered one. Oh right, and I would've ditched these boobs long ago if I was a dude. They aren't really that macho.

Here's the deal. I'm gonna list off all the reasons guys call me "one of the guys" and then all the reasons why I'm not and you're gonna skim over them because you have more important things to do like click rapidly through pages on the internet searching for whatever stupid thing it was that landed you here. (Unless you are, of course, one of my fabulous regular readers, in which case, you might just skim anyway cuz you only read this out of habit.)


Reasons why guys think I am "one of the guys."

  1. Video games: I play them, watch them, and sometimes get obsessed with them. I play Runescape online, I own and use a GBA and several accompanying games, and I frequently watch my guy friends play video games because it is fun for me. Holy crap, other girls do it to. Get over it.
  2. Telephone: I hate talking on the telephone, generally speaking. Oh how non-girly of me, I must be a guy.
  3. Bodily functions: Yes, I can out-burp any guy. I went to a college with a 7:1 guy-to-girl ratio. You feel a little more free to belch in the presence of 20 guys than with 20 girls. Oh, and yes, I mentioned farting in at least two Diaryland entries, if not more. *gasp*

I can't think of any more crappy reasons worth listing.


  1. I love all things pink and baby blue and lavendar.
  2. I have an entire college in Texas and a church in Illinois calling me Princess. I wouldn't have it any other way.
  3. I love ruffly items of clothing.
  4. I'm addicted to chocolate.
  5. I'm also addicted to shopping. My grandma, mother, and I have been shopping since before I could walk. We all have extra-long arms, and we attribute it to the heaviness of our purchases stretching out our arms as we walk around the malls.
  6. You can sometimes find me sitting on a bed with another girl playing stupid name-matching games with our crushes' names. I even do that stupid pop-top game where you push the little tab on your pop can back and forth, chanting the alphabet.. whichever letter you are say as it pops off is the first letter of the name of your crush/husband/whatever. I usually land on E or F, which is good, cuz then I'm Elijah Wood or Frodo. Purrr.
  7. Oh yeah, I purr. In real life. It's a curse, really, cuz it's so dumb, but I do purr. Not too many dudes doing that.
  8. I love wearing skirts, curling my hair, and dressing up all pretty.
  9. I'm addicted to chick fliks to the extent that I will watch one even if it sucks in the hope that maybe I'll still end up crying tears of joy at the end.

This list could go on for days, but I'll spare you. I'm a girl, and sometimes, a rather girly one. Just because I play Runescape and could whoop your sorry ass at Mario Kart doesn't mean that I'm less of a girl. It means I'm a girl who likes a lot of different things and who may have more than air in her head. This whole "brain" thing enables me to do more than just sit around and flutter my eyelashes. WHICH I CAN DO! Add that to my list of girly traits... "fluttering eyelashes."

So, that's the rant of the day. I feel much better after having proven to myself and possibly to the world that I am indeed of the chica variety and should not be confused for a chico.


The end.

:: before :: after