a spoonful of random...

Still a little wiped out from Hell Week 2006...

written at 4:45 p.m. on 02.13.06

Today has been one of those days.. you wake up a little before noon and realize that you aren't going to accomplish one bloody thing.

Good gravy, life is getting pathetic.

I had this really cute, pink key lanyard that had the word "Princess" repeating around its entire length. It has been attached to my keys for well over a year now, but sadly, Time has not been kind to it. Faded by the sun and stained by an unfortunate coffee incident, it no longer seems a symbol of youthful royalty. In short, I need a replacement. Remind me to buy one later. Better yet, you buy it and make it a belated Christmas present or an early half-birthday present. Thanks in advance.

Hell Week 2006 is over, by the way. It ended on Saturday in the gap between work and my haircut. I'm a little exhausted from all the madness, but I'm pickin' up the pieces and moving on.

I still can't get my thoughts focused, as is evidenced by this haphazard mumble-jumble I'm passing off as an entry. I think I'm going to go grab another cup of coffee and see if I can at least get some laundry done.

:: before :: after