a spoonful of random...

"i need to see a hat about a cow" - the next big thing

written at 7:31 p.m. on 05.31.05

This little light of mine, I'm gonna let it shine..

I sat down to write this entry, and by the time my hands were in place on the keyboard the white box with the flashing cursor was prepped and waiting, that song had popped into my head. I don't know why Sunday school songs haunt me at such odd times, but.. I shan't complain. It's better than humming the Thong Song in the middle of class and having your teacher pause devotionals to ask you what song you were humming.

I think it's time to change the "I'm going to go see a man about a dog" saying to "I'm going to go see a hat about a cow." Or something. Apparently, my creativity has been yoinked. Need further proof? I still haven't found inspiration for a new design for CookieDesigns.net. While I'm waiting for inspiration to strike..

So, I don't feel the need to finish that sentence back there. People know what I've been doing.

The relatives are here for the weekly Bible study with my dad. I was smart this time and brought up water bottles, chocolate chip Pop-tarts, a Ho-ho, and a banana. I shall not be pinned in my room for hours on end without food this time! Last week, they stayed from 7:30pm til 1:30am. Great news inasmuch as it means that they appear to be having good discussions, but bad news for the poor family members who are stuck upstairs away from the pretty food for hours on end.

Well, I did a bit of mild cleaning in the room yesterday. My paths from my chair (to the bed, to the couch, to the closet, and to the door) are becoming a little less hazardous every day. I'm tempted to take a picture, but I'm not sure I'm going to want to remember this later on in life.

Hmm. Seeing that I need to see a hat about a cow, I'm gonna take this opportunity to end the madness of this entry.

Oh, and note to self... when Cookie Designs starts making money, buy a French textbook. Re-learning French from a French-English dictionary isn't the most effective way to go about mastering the language.

Au revoir!

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