a spoonful of random...

h.s. dimploma? check. too much rambling? double check.

written at 4:07 p.m. on 05.30.04
Well, I'm thinking about just dropping out of existence and just becoming a true nobody. Honestly, having a name and all that good stuff comes with way too much responsibility. Even my responsibilities on the internet are overwhelming. I'm working on several new designs for D8zed Designs and I'm trying to get all my stuff moved from Cookie Designs at Geocities to my own site (www.cookiedesigns.net, not funcioning yet).. and then I have my new review site, not to mention fifty frugapazillion diaries to update. I know, this is all really my fault, and I have no right to complain, but then again, to whom shall I voice my complaints if not to myself? Of course, in addition to those responsibilities (which actually can be fun responsibilities if I have the time to do them properly), I have my mom breathing down my neck about my messy room and my lack of college funding and on and on and on..

Of course, my now whiter-than-ever teeth are making me a very happy young lady. My teeth were "B4," according to the lady who did my teeth. I had a special appointment Thursday morning at 8:00, before the dentist's office fully opened, to get this whitening thing done. My grandma made a coffeecake/pastry thing as a thank you for everything the dentist's office did to make this a reality. (We know the dentist personally, since he goes to our church and his son was friends with my brother and his wife was in a Bible study with my mom.. yada yada.) Anyway, every time Ms. Whitener (I don't remember her name) would tell someone that my teeth were originally "B4," that person would gasp and go, "Oh my!" My dentist even said, "No wonder she wanted her teeth whitened!" Yeah, my teeth weren't grotesquely yellow, but they were pretty darn close, at least to me. Then again, one's own faults are always magnified ten-fold in comparison to what everyone else sees.

Anyway, now my teeth are normal. They're not "Hollywood white," but they look white and healthy. I'm really happy. Plus, from here, I can use Crest White Strips to add to the effect and get closer to the super-duper-obnoxiously-white shade that seems to be so popular these days.

Meanwhile, things have been happening aside from my teeth becoming fabulous. I did indeed graduate high school on Thursday night (whoo-hoo!), so I am a bona fide smart person! Ok, maybe that's too big of a leap to make, but I am happy to be done with that chapter of my life. Of course, I'll probably be sobbing by this time next year, longing for my friends and maybe even my family.

Until then, I'm grounded, stuck at home with nothing to console me but marathons of Lord of the Rings. Ok, so with all the gloriousness of Lord of the Rings about me, I don't really need to leave the house, but I am missing my friends' graduation parties. :( Sorry, guys. My mom thinks I need to show some responsibility before I get any privileges, so.. the gift that I was planning on getting you.. is still in the planning stage.

Since you're dying to know, the song that is currently stuck in my head is some song by Alicia Keyes. I've never caught the name of the song, but I catch glimpses of the video on various channels on TV. I really don't like the song, but it goes something like "Some people want it all.. blah blah blah blah blah, I just want you babe.. blah blah Some people want diamond rings, some just want everything.. blah blah blah blah." As you can see, I've nailed the lyrics and all that important stuff. Ok, actually, all that's going through my head is what you see there.. a few scattered lyrics, the annoyingly repetitive music, and some images of nasty snowy coldness.

Well, I really only have one free weekend this summer, and this was it, so I'm gonna go get some important stuff done while I have time. Hopefully I'll get around to setting up cookiedesigns.net. Maybe I'll even download GIMP, an image editing program I've been meaning to download for a while now, since I can't afford Adobe Photoshop. (This is where I break down and sob. I really, really want Photoshop. Blast it's priciness. I'm a poor college student now, and I don't have five hundred dollars to go spend on a computer program!! Especially since web design isn't even my profession, it's more of a hobby.. Sigh.)

Ha.. ok, before I go, I must share my favorite part of graduation. Ok, not my favorite part of the whole night, since there were many memorable moments. However, I did enjoy a certain moment during the introduction of the graduates, wherein each graduating student gets a turn to stand up and be talked about for a few minutes. Mine went something like this, "Rachel.. blah blah blah.. She is actively involved in music.. blah blah more music stuff.. blah blah academic stuff.. blah blah music again.. And one of her most cherished hobbies, interestingly enough, has nothing to do whatsoever with music. She has a strange fascination with reading and watching Tolkien's Lord of the Rings.. blah blah more music and academic stuff.. blah blah, and I present to you, Rachel (middle and last name)." It made me laugh. Mrs. Heath, the principal, wrote out the introductions based on little sheets we had filled out earlier in the year. She managed to make each person sound amazing, and she even found a way to tone down the nerdiness of my Lord of the Rings obsession. Good times. Of course, a huge highlight of the night for me was Allison's speech as salutatorian! Go Allison!

Ok, I'm really sick of my room being trashy, so I think I'll go clean it now, between all the other stuff I said I was going to do. Added bonus to the room-cleaning action: if I clean my room, my mom will give me her old TV, which is still in great condition, for me to have in my room. (Yes, if I buy myself a DVD player and a fridge, I can watch Lord of the Rings 24/7 and never have to leave my room!) Ok, off to go do something productive. The end!

:: before :: after