a spoonful of random...

Cooookie Crisp. Dumb commercials, dumb search engine. Never tried the cereal.

written at 3:04 p.m. on 01.04.06

"Hi, I need to buy some ink."
"Alright. For what?"
*scoff* "A printer."
*weary sigh* "What kind of printer?"
*scoff, part deux* "I don't know."

I was ready to go home crying thirty minutes after I punched in for the night. Either it's a full moon, or people are still hungover and bitchy from New Year's Eve. Whatever the case, tonight was horrible. Stupid people everywhere.

"Hi, I have a Dell printer, and I need an ink cartridge."
"Ok, do you know the model number for the printer?"
"But do you know the model number?"
"Ma'am, I need the model number. I know it's a Lexmark. Lexmark makes your Dell printer. I need the model number of the printer to tell you which ink cartridge you need."
"Oh. *pause* What's that?"

ARRR. *Flying rampage of doom.* Give me a spork! Now!!

Tonight's customers need to be thankful that I wasn't armed with a spork. I suppose the stapler would've worked nicely, and if that didn't work, I could use the eight thousand Post-Its in my drawer to paper-cut them to death.

My brother is singing in the shower. This always disturbs me. The back of my closet shares a wall with the bathroom, so the sound is almost crystal clear in my bedroom. He sings as if he's trying to be the Frank Sinatra of today. Trust me, Frank is about to take away my spork and use it on my brother. Hell, I'll buy him his own spork, and we can stab together. Side-by-side. *gets lost in daydream*

There are many reasons why I prefer Yahoo! over Google for a search engine. Aside from the technical aspects of Yahoo's superiority, I have issues with the way Google stretches its name to match the number of pages relevant to your search. Every time I see Goooooooogle I think "Coooooookie Crisp!" from the damn commercial about that damn cereal that was huge when I was a (damn) kid.

No search engine should remind you of a cheesy advertisement for cereal. That's against the laws of good marketing. It's also entirely pointless. "Look, we can stretch out our name! Isn't that neat? Neat, I say!"

That's it for me. I'm too irritated by Goooooogle-face singing in the shower to write any more. Have a good night, y'all.

:: before :: after