a spoonful of random...

studying in the summer? so.. my timing is a little off..

written at 1:27 p.m. on 05.17.05

Iiiii just want to fly. Put your arms around me, baby. Put your arms around me, baby. Iiiiii just want tooo fly.

Why that song popped into my head is beyond me. It haunts me. It isn't quite at the level of creepiness that Father Abraham (the song) is at, but it's working it's way up. There is just something infinitely creepier about having a Sunday school song from kindergarten stuck in your head for six years. Yes, ladies and gentlemen, for five years I have found myself humming or singing that song when all other songs have failed to save me. Indeed, it is quite embarrassing to find oneself humming a song so addictive that it ranks second only to "This is the song that never ends.." By the way, what genius on Lambchops decided to put that song at the end, so that every little kid from that era would be stuck knowing and singing that song for the rest of eternity? WHAT KIND OF SICK JOKE IS THAT?! Well, I must admit, it was very clever for a sick joke, but still.. clever sick jokes are to be used on the rest of mankind, leaving me to laugh and point. The rulebook clearly states that I am to be exempt from all such evilness.

That's quite a nice-sized rant to have been spawned by a spur-of-the-moment song intrusion into my head.

Well then.. I'm going to put this entry on pause while I go retrieve some breakfast at 1:30 p.m.

It's now 2:30 p.m., and I am fed and happy. It did not take me an hour to eat breakfast; I made a pit-stop to play some piano on my way back to my room. Glorious piano! I'm so happy to have that available to me again!

I actually want to go take a shower now, and this entry is really becoming a monstrous waste of time and energy to write and read. Let me just state now that it is my goal to do a lot more reading (both fiction and nonfiction) and researching (keeping up-to-date with the news and stuff like that) for my own personal reasons. However, I mention that here because it will undoubtedly have a marked effect on my writing, particularly in regard to content. So, with that said, I am free to shower, clean my room, apply for jobs, and add some knowledge to my head. Ciao!

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